Fred S. Martin

"God Bless America"
Fred S. Martin
and his grandchildren

"Wishing you a
Merry Christmas"
Fred S. Martin
and his grandchildren

Senator Martin's work on
to get to the Idaho Suicide
Prevention Hotline

Senator Martin's interview
on Idaho Reports

Home Address:
3672 N. Tumbleweed Pl.
Boise, Idaho 83713

Senate Phone: 208.332.1407
Home phone: 208.327.0171
Cell phone: 208.447.9000

Fred S. Martin

God Bless the U.S.A.

To all the men and women in the military, now and in the past,
thank you for your service.


Grandkids on Election Night

In any vote in the Senate I look at the 4 C’s: Constituents, Citizens, Constitution, and Conscience.
Constituents - I was elected by the good citizens of District 15 to represent them
Citizens - I, as a senator, must look at what is good for the citizens of the great state of Idaho
Constitution - I have swore an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the State of Idaho
Conscience - I have to do what I feel good about

In the Idaho Senate I have worked on many major issues, some of them are:

Suicide Prevention
I serve on the Idaho Council on Suicide Prevention Board. During my time on that Board I have worked on several issues: secured ongoing funding for the Idaho Suicide Hotline, the Department of Health and Welfare has a major state mission to lower suicides in Idaho, Idaho teachers to be trained each fall on suicide recognition, and that “211" in Idaho will get you to the Idaho Suicide Hotline. "ONE DEATH BY SUICIDE IS ONE TOO MANY" Our goal is ZERO suicides. Remember call "211" to get to the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline

Tax Cuts
I have voted for the two largest tax cuts in Idaho history. Taking Personal tax rates from 7.4% to 6.8% and then down to 6.5%. I also voted for Property Tax relief and Personal Property Tax relief. This year (2022) I have been working and Co-Sponsor of H435 that will lower the tax rate to 6.0%

Property Tax Relief
In 2021, the legislature, passed HB 389 that will lower property taxes. The Ada County Commissioners reduced county spending by $12 Million dollars, that will also lower property taxes. Property tax relief is one of the most important issues in Ada County as property taxes are too high and are going up too fast. Property taxes do not go to the State, they go to your local schools, cities, counties, and local taxing districts.

I worked to implement a 3 digit number for the Idaho Suicide Hotline. I have been on the Idaho Council on Suicide Prevention Board for many years. For years I wanted a 3 digit number to get to the Idaho Suicide Hotline not the 7 or 10 digit numbers. After hard work we how have it (211).

Senator Martin's work on "211" to get to the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline

Idaho Behavioral Health Council (IBHC)
Working with the IBHC and the Governor's office to fund: "988" the Mental Health and Suicie Prevention Hotline, Community Behavioral Health Clinics, Recovery Support Centers, Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities, Substance Use Disorder, Pre-Prosecution Grants, Safe Teen Reception Centers, Youth Crisis Centers.

I was the Senate floor sponsor and co-author of the “Idaho TeleHealth Access Act”. Model legislation (one of the first in the Nation) being used by 1000's of health providers in Idaho to lower costs and improve accessibility to quality health care in Idaho.

Access to Public Lands
S1317 “Public Land Access Act” I was the Senate sponsor along with the Idaho Wildlife Federation to improve access to public lands in Idaho.

Senator Martin introducing "Public Land Access Act"

I worked with the West Ada School District and a large national company on STEM Grants for programs in the West Ada School District.

Idaho Down Syndrome Council
I worked with the Idaho Down Syndrome Council for legislation to help families in Idaho that have or are expecting a child.

Multiple Sclerosis
I worked with the National and State Multiple Sclerosis Accociation to have Nabiximols, a CBD extract for the treatment of painful spasticity and neuropathic pain.

Medicaid Expansion
My Legislative District voted over 65% for Medicaid Expansion. I was the author and floor sponsor of the “Idaho Medicaid Expansion Act”. This bill made sure that the will of the electorate was fulfilled by fulling implementing Medicaid Expansion in Idaho without using any new Idaho tax dollars.

Senator Martin works on Medicaid Expansion Bill

Tobacco Use Prevention
I was the author and floor sponsor of Tobacco 21 legislation in 2017 and 2018 to raise the tobacco purchasing age to 21. The federal government has since passed a law raising the legal age to 21.

I have worked with the Idaho DEQ (Department of Environmental Quality) to ensure clean air, water, and land in the state of Idaho. I have worked hard so in Idaho, the DEQ has "Primacy" (control over) our state's air, water, and land. With the DEQ having Primacy, if you have a problem or a concern about clear air, water, or land in Idaho you go to the Idaho DEQ to work with them not the U.S. EPA.

Idaho State Chinden Campus "Capitol West"
Worked with the Department of Administration for the state to acquire the HP campus located in west Boise (District 15). The "State Chinden Campus" (Capitol West) consists of 200 acres and 8 buildings over 1.5 million square feet. HP is leasing back over half of the available space. The purchase of this site will and has saved the State millions of dollars each year as state agencies relocate to this campus.

ICOM -Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine
I worked with Idaho State University and many others to open Idaho's first College of Medicine, on the Idaho State University's Meridian campus.

Idaho State University - Meridian Campus
I worked with ISU for funding to maintain and expand the Meridian facility. Some of the class taught and Degrees: Anatomy and Physiology, Pharmacy, Dental Residency, Nursing, Physician Assistent, Speech-Language Pathlohogy, and Clinical Rehabilitation Counceling.

Drug and Addiction Prevention
I worked with the Idaho State Office of Drug Policy, the Department of Health and Welfare and the Courts to prevent, treat, and help those with drug addiction. So that all Idahoans can have access to mental health services, substance use support and suicide prevention services.

I have been working with national and local groups to implement "988" a 3-digit number for natinonal and local suicide prevention and mental health crisis hotline.

Leadership Roles
I have had the great opportunity to serve in numerous leadership roles, to name a few: Chairman of the Senate Health and Welfare Committee, Co-Chairman of the Joint Economic Outlook and Revenue Assessment Committee, Co-Chairman of the Purchasing Laws Committee, Co-Vice Chairman of the Joint Finance and Appropriation Committee (JFAC), Vice-Chairman of the Senate Commerce and Human Resources Committee, Vice-Chairman of the Senate Health and Welfare Committee, Student Body President Rick College (now BYU-Idaho), President Idaho Student Association, Executive Board BYU-Idaho Alumni Association, Executive Director Citizens for Local Government.

National Boards and Committees
I have had the great opportunity to represent Idaho on several national board and committees, some of them are: National Task Force on Economic and Workforce Health Committee, CSG (2021-2022), National State Health & Human Services Chairs, NCSL (2021), National Healthy States National Task Force, CSG, National TeleCommunications Working Group (2019), National Insurance Advisory Committee (2019), National Fiscal State Legislative Leaders Committee (2017), National Health Advisory Committee (2015), National Tobacco Free Committee, Council of State Governments (2013)

Community Service
I have and now serve on many community service organizations, to name a few: Volunteer Saint Alphonsus Hospital, Mayor's Faith Ambassadors, Idahoans for Healthcare, Idaho Council on Suicide Prevention Board, Idaho Immunization Assessment Board, Idaho Early Childhood Coordination Council, Idaho Telehealth Taskforce, Idaho Insurance Advisory Committee, Idaho Health Care Collaborative Committee, Education K-12 Committee, Millennium Fund Committee, Idaho Child Welfare Steering Committee, United Way of Ada County, Ordinance Worker and Shift Coordinator, Boy Scouts of America as Scout Master and District Commissioner

State Purchasing
I was the Co-Chairman of the Joint Purchasing Laws Committee and the Joint Procurement Committee. The Committee rewrote the purchasing laws for the state of Idaho to ensure transparency and ethics. I was the Floor sponsor of the "State Procurement Act" to ensure: "Open, competitve acquisitons of propety, and to maximize the value received by the state with attendant benefits to the citizens."

Tax Cuts
I have voted for the two largest tax cuts in Idaho history. Taking Personal tax rates from 7.4% to 6.8% and then down to 6.5%. I also voted for Property Tax relief and Personal Property Tax relief.

Suicide Prevention
I serve on the Idaho Council on Suicide Prevention Board. During my time on that Board I have worked on several issues: secured ongoing funding for the Idaho Suicide Hotline, the Department of Health and Welfare has a major state mission to lower suicides in Idaho, Idaho teachers to be trained each fall on suicide recognition, and that “211" in Idaho will get you to the Idaho Suicide Hotline.

Lower Taxes, Personal Responsibility and Less Government
I will continue to work for lower taxes, personal responsibility and less government. I am a life-time Idahoan. I have lived in the Treasure Valley for almost 40 years. I can and will continue to work full-time for the citizens of District 15.

The proper role of Government
"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness--That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed..."

Article I Section 1 of the Idaho Constitution adds: "acquiring, possessing and protecting property" to that list of Inalienable Rights.

"All men are by nature free and equal, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are enjoying and defending life and liberty; acquiring, possessing and protecting property; pursuing happiness and securing safety".

Our rights come from God. We have government to protect and secure those rights.

I am pro-life, period. Human life is sacred to me and my family. I have a very strong and deep religious conviction about the sanctity of life. According to an article in Boise Christian Living the Idaho Chooses Life, the Family Policy Alliance of Idaho, and the National Pro-Life Senator Martin was the bill sponsor of "One of the most important Pro-Life bill to pass in years".

Idaho Telehealth vote

Lower Taxes
I have voted for or sponsored numerous bills that will lower taxes. Namely: Repeal of the Sales Tax on Groceries, the Personal Property Tax Relief, and the Justice Reinvestment Act. I have not pledged to just not raise taxes; I have worked to lower taxes.

Better Economy
I have worked with the Commerce Department and voted for H 546, the Tax Reimbursement Incentive to bring high-paying jobs to Idaho, and H 100 the Idaho Opportunity Fund to recruit and retain business in Idaho.

Better Schools
We must continue to work to improve our schools. We have good schools now, but we need to make them better for all. We need to give more control of education in Idaho to the local level, that's why I voted for S 1377 which states: "Each school district may adopt their own curriculum material." We need to have more of our students go on to college or post secondary schools. That’s why I voted for S 1233 the Mastery Advancement Scholarship for high school juniors and seniors for dual credit.
Article from Idahoednews

The U.S. and Idaho Constitutions
I have twice (when I joined the military and each time I have been elected to the Idaho Senate) in my life raised my arm to the square and sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and the State of Idaho. I take that oath very seriously. I have, in all my votes, in the Idaho State Senate voted to uphold both constitutions.


Medicaid Reform
Recently a committee, Idahoans for Healthcare , has been formed to work on a citizen's initiative on Medicaid reform. I have been asked to serve on that committee.

In Idaho, like most states, we have been trying to figure out how to deal with the health coverage gap created by Obamacare. Last year, there were about 78,000 Idahoans in this coverage gap. But now, thanks to our strong economy, that number is estimated to be between 51,000 and 62,000. Of course, that number still means that there are Idahoans who are hurting, and they need us to act.

One suggestion has been to expand Medicaid coverage. Some have argued that expanding Medicaid will have a net positive fiscal impact for our state, freeing up funds for our cities, counties, and state that now pay for indigent care through property taxes and the catastrophic fund.

I am personally concerned with the growing trend toward legislating through initiatives. Our Founding Fathers gave us a "Republic" for a reason. However, with the legislature unable to address this issue, I recognize that it is now the voters' turn to act.

During my service as a state senator, I have been committed to four principles:
1. to serve, to the best of my ability, the Constituents of District 15
2. to serve the Citizens of the State of Idaho
3. to follow my Conscience and
4. to adhere to the Idaho and the U.S. Constitutions.

Based on those principles, I have determined that I will fully adhere to the will of the voters on this issue.

State Lands
The state, not the Federal government is best to control our State public lands.

Federal Lands
We, the citizens of the United States, own over 640 million acres of public land, most of which are in the West (2.4 million Idaho State Endowment Trust Land). These are public lands, and the public should have access to them for; camping, fishing, hiking, hunting and other recreational activities.

Our public lands are a treasure for all to enjoy.

In the Idaho Senate I voted against the state demanding the transfer of federal lands to the state HCR-22 (2013) and voted for the state to study public lands, HCR-21 (2013).

I do not support the sale of federal public lands. There has been times that the state has sold or exchanged state endowment trust lands for the benefit of the state, to better manage the land. State lands were given to the state as a endowment trust for the purpose of generating revenue ($73,500,00.00 fy 2018) to support schools and other public institutions.

I do not and would not support the state in a lawsuit to demand the transfer of federal lands to the state. The state should be very cautious and deliberate about controlling more public lands mainly because of the cost of forest and range fires. However, I believe the state can and has done a better job of managing the public lands.

But, whoever controls or manages our public lands (State or Federal), they are just that public lands, our lands, for the use of all.